Satellite Fair Usage Policies (FUPs) and Speed Tests for Eutelsat and Yahclick

Satellite Fair Usage Policies (FUPs) and Speed Tests for Eutelsat and Yahclick

This guide is for Vox Eutelsat and Yahclick customers who want to conduct a speed test and understand their Fair Usage Policies (FUPs) and how they reset.

Eutelsat: What You Need to Know

  • What is Eutelsat?: Eutelsat is Vox's high-speed internet service delivered via satellite, offering a reliable and always-on connection for personal and business use.
  • How Does Satellite Internet Work?: Eutelsat terminals, installed by authorized technicians, consist of an outdoor dish connected to a modem indoors. Signals are relayed via satellite in the Ka-frequency band to an earth-station in Italy, providing internet access.
  • Who Can Benefit?: Eutelsat is ideal for consumers, businesses, and enterprises needing affordable, high-speed internet access for browsing, video streaming, email, and more, with speeds up to 50Mbps.

Understanding Eutelsat Fair Usage Policy (FUP)

  • Speed Options: Eutelsat offers service plans with speeds ranging from 5Mbps to 50Mbps, tailored to user requirements.
  • FUP Details: For uncapped satellite packages, FUP limits are in place to maintain network quality. Once usage reaches specified thresholds:
    • 5/2Mbps Plan: Reduced to 1Mbps after 100GB, and to 512kbps after 200GB.

    • 10/3Mbps Plan: Reduced to 2.5Mbps after 200GB, and to 1Mbps after 300GB.

    • 20/3Mbps Plan: Reduced to 5Mbps after 200GB, and to 2Mbps after 300GB.

    • 30/5Mbps Plan: Reduced to 10Mbps after 200GB, and to 4Mbps after 300GB.

    • 50/5Mbps Plan: Reduced to 15Mbps after 200GB, and to 5Mbps after 300GB.

Yahclick: What You Need to Know

  • What is Yahclick?: YahClick is Vox's high-speed, always-on internet service delivered via satellite, offering reliable connectivity for personal and business use.
  • How Fast is the Yahclick Broadband Service?: YahClick offers various packages with speeds up to 20Mbps, ensuring at least 50% of the maximum speed during peak hours.

Understanding Yahclick Fair Usage Policy (FUP)

  • FUP Details: For uncapped packages, YahClick reduces speeds when certain data usage thresholds are reached:
    • 10Mbps Plan: Reduced to 5Mbps after 150GB, to 3Mbps after 250GB, and to 1.5Mbps after 300GB.
    • 20Mbps Plan: Reduced to 10Mbps after 200GB, to 5Mbps after 350GB, and to 2Mbps after 400GB.

Speed Tests for Eutelsat and Yahclick

To ensure you are getting the speeds expected from your Eutelsat or Yahclick service, you can perform speed tests using the following links:
These tests will help you monitor your internet speed and ensure that your service is performing as expected under the Fair Usage Policy guidelines.

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