Vox Pro-rata Billing Explained

Vox Pro-rata Billing Explained

This article explains how vox pro-rata billing works, and provides insight into how to calculate your pro-rata bill.

What is Pro-rata Billing?

Pro-rata billing is a method used by Vox to calculate and charge customers for their services when they start or end their subscription in the middle of a billing cycle. Vox's billing cycle follows a calendar month period, starting on the 1st day of the month and ending on the 1st day of the following month. Vox calculates your first bill from when the service was activated till the last day of the month.

How to calculate your Pro-rata Bill:

Let's say, you've purchased a Vox internet package on the 15th of the month, and the billing cycle ends on the 30th of each month.

Monthly Fee: Let's assume the monthly fee for Vox's internet deal was R500.

Days Used: From the 15th to the 30th of the month, there are 16 days (including both start and end dates).


Vox divides the monthly fee by the total number of days in the billing cycle which is usually 30 days, to determine the daily rate. In this case, R500 divided by 30 equals R16.67 per day. Then, they multiply the daily rate by the number of days you used the internet service. In this example, R16.67 multiplied by 16 equals R266.72.

According to the pro-rata calculation, you would be billed R266.72 for the portion of the month the service became active. The amount will be reflected on your statement at the end of the month. You will then receive your regular billing for the full-service fee of R500 in the next invoice.

Please Note: Pro-rata billing for newly activated services will be billed approx. 48 hours after activation and will be due on the 1st of the following month.


Pro-rata billing is a fair and transparent method that Vox uses to calculate charges when you start or stop your subscription in the middle of a billing period. It ensures that you are only charged based on the number of days that the service has been activated from. 

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